Welcome to 2012!
As a nutrition and lifestyle coach, plus San Diego fitness trainer, I understand the importance of setting goals. Statistically, 90% of health related goals are never accomplished. Why do you suppose that is? There are a few factors that can contribute. Read below to find out what they are, and how you can move past these obstacles into a brand new, healthier you in the year 2012!
1) Setting unrealistic, lofty goals. It’s great to dream big, but sometimes when we create goals that are big, or too far out then we often feel like we can never reach them. It is better to set mini goals throughout the year, that build up and contribute to the bigger goal. For example, say you decide this year you want to complete a marathon, but presently you can’t run more than a mile without feeling like you might pass out. Instead of training for a marathon in a couple months, work on building up to that point. Try mapping out the year in which you will train and then participate in a 5k, then 10k, then ½ marathon and then a full marathon. By setting smaller goals, and accomplishing them you till be ore likely to stick to the big long-term goal. Sam example can be used for weight loss. Instead of saying I am gonna lose 20 lbs. in 8 weeks, think I will work on exercising 4 times per week and making healthier food choices and aim to lose 5 lbs. this month. Taking baby steps will get you to your goal a lot faster, I promise.
2) When you fall off the horse, jump back on. One of the biggest downfalls of our egos, is we expect perfection. If we fail to follow the guidelines, rules, and deadlines for set for ourselves we quit too easily. We are not perfect, sometimes we are gonna miss a workout, or eat too much chocolate cake. The important factor, is to remind ourselves that it is okay, and that tomorrow will be a better day. Changes don’t happen over night and we can’t beat ourselves up about it, but we can jump back in the saddle a work towards better health.
3) Make yourself accountable. This piggy backs off the previous tip. As a San Diego fitness trainer, I can give my clients the tools, knowledge, instructions, and help with goal setting, but they are ultimately responsible for making it happen. You have to want it bad enough inside you to motivate yourself to achieve that goal. It’s time to hold yourself accountable for your own actions. If you want to make a change within yourself, you are the only one that’s gonna make that happen, no one else can do it for you.
4) Tell someone your goals, you are much more likely to stick to them. It is our competitive nature that drives and motivates us towards goals. So tell friends, co-workers, your spouse, anyone, your intentions for 2012. Feel free to post your resolution on my facebook page, that way even strangers are now aware of your resolutions. My resolution this year is to follow a gluten free diet, what’s yours?
Andrea King, nutritionist in San Diego, offers San Diego personal training programs that deliver results to participants. If you are looking to achieve your fitness goals this year feel free to contact her at 858-877-0787, to get started today.
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