As a San Diego fitness trainer I subscribe to e-newsletters and flip through the popular fitness magazines on occasion to see what’s new and trendy and what tips, advice, and lies they are telling to the common consumer and more importantly, my clients. Woman’s Health magazine has come out with a new 21 day workout plan that they are offering to consumers free with the intention of hooking them into a six week program for $40. So every few days I get another email about how I am going to become a whole new person with their super secret plan designed to make me sexy, thin without losing my curves.
Here is the exact email:
Subject line: Triple your fat loss and keep your sexy curves!
Dear Andrea,
Order Look Better Naked today!
If you want a gorgeous, flat stomach … high, lifted breasts … tight, toned arms … a round, sexy butt … and thighs so lean and so firm that they rock a miniskirt …
If you want a body that men notice, admire, and practically drool over …
If you want to unleash the power of your sexy, feminine curves … without suffering or starving …
CLICK HERE to get your hands on this amazing new book:
It’s the NEW, rapid weight loss and speed-sculpting
plan that gives you a striptease-ready body in
6 weeks!
It changes the way your body metabolizes fat, quickly reshapes your body, and melts away excess pounds. It makes you thinner, tighter, and leaner three times faster than old-fashioned exercise plans.
This breakthrough makes it EASY to have a body that looks super-hot — with or without clothes on.
Take your stomach, for example. Chances are, you might like to flatten it. And you can. Get LOOK BETTER NAKED to see how you can:
Order Look Better Naked today!
Skeptical? Of course you are. So here’s what you need to
know about the science behind LOOK BETTER NAKED:
1. You exercise LESS for FASTER results. The exercise plan takes JUST TWO HOURS A WEEK. If you spend more time than 2 hours, you’re doing it wrong.
The secret? LOOK BETTER NAKED works fast because of a revolutionary new — and simple — strength-training method called “featherweight” training. Try it now! You’ll send your metabolism soaring … get a washboard-flat stomach … and firm up your arms, butt, and legs — the easiest, fastest way possible.
Order Look Better Naked today!
How is this possible? LOOK BETTER NAKED has uncovered the secret that stymies the release of hormones that help regulate appetite.
This one little secret can reduce your chances of being overweight by 84%. You eat what you want, when you want and still stay lean for life.
LOOK BETTER NAKED opens your eyes to a whole new, fast, easy way to look better in the buff:
• STOP 99% OF CRAVINGS BEFORE they start.
• Experts say BREASTS CAN GROW UP TO 25 PERCENT BIGGER with this sexy trick.
• TRIPLE YOUR FAT LOSS with a cutting-edge fitness breakthrough from LOOK BETTER NAKED.
LOOK BETTER NAKED is the ultimate combination of exercise, nutrition, motivation and body secrets that will make you want to run around naked with joy!
Let’s give everyone a complex about how they currently look, dupe them into paying us $40 for a generalized program that isn’t specifically designed for them, with promises of helping them blast belly flat, increase breast size, lean thighs, and become a whole new person in just 6 weeks! They are setting people up to believe that they are gonna accomplish this all in a short time, so if they don’t they are going to feel like a failure, and most likely quit working out, binge, or extremely restrict calories.
Wow, thank you so much Woman’s Health for sabotaging every woman’s self-confidence and own idea of fitness changes and adaptations. So now when I get a new client whom is a reader of your magazine she is going to have this skewed idea that we can just target areas to lose weight, which is utterly impossible, and that we can just melt fat with a snap and she will be a whole new woman in just 6 weeks. Even the BEST fitness professionals can’t offer this. So what makes Woman’s Health, a staff team made up of journalists and a few “celeb trainers” have the secret to this? Can they also fly, walk on water, and read minds? Please.
Do yourself a favor and don’t buy into these magazines. It’s only going to mislead you and get you more confused. Read articles from actual health and fitness professionals that have degrees, and years of experience and qualifications to back up what they claim. Better yet, follow my blogs.
Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work!