Many of us fail to reach our goals, because we are not entirely sure what those goals are. We create general goals with no specific time period in which we want to achieve it, no specific action plan, and no rewards system for carrying it out. It becomes very easy to give up on a broad goal, such as exercise more, or eat healthier. What specifically are you going to work towards? I want to take you through an exercise I utilize with my San Diego personal training clients to help you pinpoint your health and wellness goals for the short and long term.
span style=”font-family: Calibri; font-size: small;”>1) Write down one health and wellness related goal you would like to achieve by the end of March. Then write down your answers to these questions below.
a. Be specific and detailed. Ie. I would like to be able to do 5 pull ups, run 3 miles in 25 minutes, lose 2 inches in my waist, etc.
b. Why do you want to achieve this goal in particular? On a scale of 1-10 how important is achieving this goal to you?
c. Picture and describe how different your life would be if you were able to reach this goal by March.
d. How would you feel after reaching this goal?
e. How would you feel if you didn’t reach it?
f. Outline 3 changes you are going to make to your current lifestyle/routine to achieve that goal by March.
g. If you do not know, how to achieve the goal with your own knowledge, what professional will you reach out to for help?
2) Now that you have written down the steps you need to achieve your goal, you need to hold yourself accountable to it. This takes some thought.
a. How will you reward yourself for sticking to your plan?
b. What do you do if you slip up?
c. Should you seek out an accountability partner? And whom?
You can implement this same exercise for a 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month goal for the rest of the year. I have found that when individuals take the time to write down their goals, it makes the goal more tangible and much more likely to become realized. I encourage you to take some time, sit down and write out the answers to all these questions.If you need help formulating exercise goals work with a professional San Diego personal trainer, such as myself, to help you develop and hold you accountable to these goals.
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