Exercise and diet—these are two words long the bane of people too lazy to quit their couch potato lifestyle, or those who don’t care enough about their bodies to keep it healthy. Whichever way you look at it though, fitness isn’t just a key to bragging about slim waistlines or rocking abs, it’s the way to happiness and socialization. Here are a few things to remember about keeping fit and getting personal training in San Diego:
It’s all In Your Head
If you want to achieve optimal fitness, what matters in the end isn’t what is expected of you, but what your mind expects of you. While personal trainers, such as trainers from True Balance Fitness and Coaching will guide you through the process of attaining these goals, the motivation to reach your goal is what will drive you to keep on.
Say No to No Carb Diet
One of the most popular notions today is simply to avoid carbs in your diet, and you, supposedly, will not get fat. This, however, is terribly misguided; removing carbohydrates from your diet also takes away the energy-building nutrients and fiber your body needs. Remember, undercutting on nutritious foods is just as dangerous as overeating.
Don’t Exercise Blindly
Oftentimes, by holiday’s end, the guilt starts to kick in, and people begin to cardio themselves to a shriveling pile of exhausted muscles and joints. Exercise shouldn’t be a ‘give everything on the spur of the moment’ thing. It involves systematic planning where the body is intended to adapt to the stress and, over time, learn to condition itself. This is also why getting a trainer can be important.
Fitness Training Adapts
An article from The Huffington Post has this to say about exercise regimens and diet plans:
“If you start walking a route in your neighborhood and think you can just do that forever- wrong! Ever noticed you start on new cardio equipment at the gym and it is hard to get through 20 minutes, but after a month you are hardly out of breath? That means it is time to mix it up and do something new.”
Indeed, the attainment of fitness, possibly with the help of a competent San Diego personal trainer, is no simple task, and you can’t always see where it’s taking you without the proper guidance of a trainer. However, if you have the determination and heart to improve your body and health, you should get what you want in no time.
(Article Excerpt and Image from Top 10 Tips From a Personal Trainer, Huffington Post, October 18, 2009)